
Sunday 7 September 2014

Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶

Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶
Cold Roselle Drink
Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶
Hot Roselle Drink
I have not seen any fresh roselle sold at my area until today. So I have decided to buy some to make pro-health beverage. I still remember there were roselle plants at the back of my old village house and we used to call it 'Ribena', a type of blackcurrant drink except it is a bit sour but more healthier without the high level sugar content.
    The roselle plant is well known for its fleshy calyx that are used to make a beverage. 

  1. Scientific name: Hibiscus Sabdariffa
  2. Higher classification: Hibiscus

The drink reportedly:
  • possesses anti-hypertensive (controls high blood pressure),
  • promotes proper kidneys function,
  • diuretic to increase urine output,
  • mild laxative properties, 
  • contains abundant amounts of natural antioxidants such as vitamin C that fight infections and diseases, strengthening the body's natural defence system,
  • treats the common cold and cough (for dissolving phlegm),
  • it contains enzyme inhibitors that unlock the production of amylase, a substance that breaks the saccharides and starch complexes in the body, reducing the absorption of carbohydrates

However, this beverage is not recommended for:
  • patients with low blood pressures, 
  • pregnant women (some evidence that hibiscus might start menstruation, and this could cause a miscarriage)
  • mothers during breast-feeding (not enough is known about the safety of consuming but stay on the safe side and avoid use)
  • people required for high level of concentration

Roselle drink/tea can be served hot or cold.

  • 15-20 Fresh roselle calyx/calyces
  • 2L (2000ml) water
  • Rock sugar or honey to taste
Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶

Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶

  • Cut the bottom part of the roselle calyx. Push the seed out from the calyx with a chopstick or bamboo stick. You may also use your fingers to peel the calyx but be careful as some thorns at the outer layer of calyx.
Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶

Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶

  • Wash and rinse the calyxes to get rid of dirt, 
Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶

  • Add calyxes and water into a pot and boil over medium heat. Boil for 15 to 20 minutes. The longer you boil it, the more concentrate the beverage will taste. Strain the calyxes. Do not discard the calyxes if you wish to make some pickled roselle (洛神蜜餞.).
Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶

Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶

  • Add rock sugar or sugar to taste. 
  • You may serve the drink hot, warm or chilled.
  • If you prefer to add some honey, please allow to cool to room temperature as honey will loss its nutrients with high heat.

Pickled Roselle - simple version (洛神蜜餞)

  • Store the roselle calyxes in a container
  • Add in some rock sugar, to taste
Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶

  • Close the lid and keep in the refrigerator until the rock sugar dissolved.
  • Mix the calyxes with the syrup. Return to the refrigerator until they are coated with the syrup.
  •  The are ready to be served. 
Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶
Pickled Roselle

I will dry the seeds and try to grow them in my garden and hopefully one day I will have my own plants for fresh roselle :)

Roselle Drink/Tea 洛神花茶
Roselle Seeds

Edited on 06/01/2015
My roselle plants are growing up :)

Edited on 12/03/2015
My roselle plants are flowering :)


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